Saturday 7/2/16
WarmupRun to Sessions Hip Mobility Series 10 Downdog Push-upsClean ProgressionConditioning“The Patriot”13 Rounds AFAP 1 Squat Clean 7 Box Jumps 7 Burpees 6 Pull-upsLevel 4 - 185/125, box jump 30/24, Chest to…
WarmupRun to Sessions Hip Mobility Series 10 Downdog Push-upsClean ProgressionConditioning“The Patriot”13 Rounds AFAP 1 Squat Clean 7 Box Jumps 7 Burpees 6 Pull-upsLevel 4 - 185/125, box jump 30/24, Chest to…
“Anything you build on a large scale or with intense passion invites chaos." - Francis Ford CoppolaTomorrow: Intro to the Bar: Free class to learn solid positioning on the deadlift,…
Looking at you, Wissing Clan.barbells, Barbells, BARBELLS: This Saturday at 10:30 am come get your free deadlift, squat & press lesson from THE Trent Brumfield. Nothing says Happy Independence like sweating…
Pool Party: July 16th at 1:00 pm. Friends and family welcome! Please bring your favorite dish and drink to share with the MVMNT Fam. Location details are on the events…
Warmup Jump Rope 3 Minutes Hip Mobility SeriesPower Clean Progression L3/4 - Barbell L0-2 - PVCLift3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 Power CleanWork up to a heavy…
Intro to the Barbell: Free class this Saturday for anyone making the move from kettlebells to the bar. The agenda includes the deadlift, back squat, press and power clean. 10:30…
Warmup Speed Ladder10 Downdog Push-ups10/10 Turkish GetupsConditioning"The High Castle"Levels 2-45 Rounds AFAP 400 yd Run 10 Pull-ups 10 Double Kettlebell Clean and PressL4 - 24/18, C2B Pull-ups L3 - 22/16…
Level tests are coming up in two weeks. We're looking for the next Level 3s. If you have yet to pass the level 3 conditioning might get a courtesy…
Pool Party: Details are up on our events page. Sure to be one for the books. Better Know a Weightlifter: Mattie RogersGot Free Tickets from Ticketmaster? The Best Free Shows from The…
StrongFirst on The SWING - We've been seeing a lot of great kettlebell swings on Instagram lately, and that is awesome. We've come a very long way in the past…