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Friday 10/09/20


0:00 – 15:00

Instructor led Jump Rope
Instructor Mobility


15:00 – 40:00

2 x 5
Warmup sets

10 Deadlift – all 3 sets at the same weight
10 Ab Wheel Rollouts – SLOOOOOW (should take a full minute)

 Barbell – Conventional OR Sumo, your choice – but stick with one variant for the entire 8 week cycle
 Kettlebell – Double KB DL
– If you struggle with Ab Wheel, try the following core stability complex:
20 seconds Right Side Plank/20 seconds Forearm Plank/20 seconds Left Side Plank/20 seconds Forearm Plank

Deadlifts – at approximately 80% of your 3 x 10


40:00 – 43:00

Workout explanation and Movement practice

43:00 – 55:00

“Polearm Master”

4 Rounds, each for max reps
2:00 work, 1:00 recovery

7 Chin-ups
21 Double Unders

– Palms face in for chin-ups
– Use a box if necessary
– Substitute 10 Supinated ring rows if not doing Chins
– If you struggle with Double Unders, but are able to do them, try for 10 each round
– If you aren’t doing Double Unders, the substitute is 10 TUCK JUMPS
– See if you can hit 5 rounds in 2 minutes; if you can, see if you can do it again every interval. 😉


55:00 – 60:00
