Saturday 12/26/15
WarmupSpeed LadderHip Mobility Series10 Downdog Push-upsConditioningA.Levels 2-45 Rounds, each AFAP5 Front Squats8 Ring Dips5 Hang Power Cleans8 Pull-upsRest 2:00L2 - sub 8 KB swings for HPC if necessaryLevels 0/15 Rounds,…
WarmupSpeed LadderHip Mobility Series10 Downdog Push-upsConditioningA.Levels 2-45 Rounds, each AFAP5 Front Squats8 Ring Dips5 Hang Power Cleans8 Pull-upsRest 2:00L2 - sub 8 KB swings for HPC if necessaryLevels 0/15 Rounds,…
WarmupDynamic Athletic MovementHip Mobility10 Downdog Push-upsConditioning12 Days of Christmas (45 minute limit)Exercises are performed in cumulative rounds, just like the bizarre song about game birds and dancing lords and ladies:…
Hoodie Pre-Orders!! $38 until December 31st. Just give us your size, zip or pullover and $$. Black is full zip. Asphalt is kangaroo pouch pullover. Holiday Schedule:Dec 24-6 am, 9 am, 12:15Dec 25-ClosedDec…
“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of…
MVMNT Winter Social 2015 was a success!Massive THANK YOU to Mark & Kelly Sauro for hosting us. Thanks to Hilary for the late night poster design work. Thanks to Colby…
WarmupSpeed LadderHip Mobility Series10 Downdog Push-upsConditioningA.Levels 2-45 Rounds, each AFAP5 Front Squats8 Ring Dips5 Hang Power Cleans8 Pull-upsRest 2:00L2 - sub 8 KB swings for HPC if necessaryLevels 0/15 Rounds,…
The MVMNT Winter Social is upon us. Let's make this official.Come raise a glass to celebrate the last four and a half incredible years of CrossFit on the Square and welcome in…
DOS AND DON’TS OF YOUR REST PERIOD from Dr. Michael Hartle, StrongFirstDO:Rest 180-300 seconds (3-5 minutes) between work sets when training for strength, regardless of the implement. I lean more…
#mvmntwintersocial2015 goes down in a few short days. In order to allow everyone to fully enjoy themselves, the gym will be closed on Sunday. MVMNT Winter Social: This Saturday at…
"He's doing the Bruce Lee thing in many ways: the art of expressing the human body. He is his genuine self."Watch - Conor McGregor Knows You're Laughing at His Movement…