Tuesday 5/17/16
Read-Real World Strength by Tim Anderson, originalstrength.com. One of the greatest benefits of having your original strength is you are capable. Being capable, able to live life and move the way…
Read-Real World Strength by Tim Anderson, originalstrength.com. One of the greatest benefits of having your original strength is you are capable. Being capable, able to live life and move the way…
Many thanks to everyone that came out to celebrate 5 years with that grueling workout!! Major Kudos to Annie DeCrescente making her pro MMA debut this weekend. She went three rounds…
WarmupRun to Sessions St 2x3 Sets 1/1 Turkish Getup 5 Down dog Push-ups 10 Kettlebell SwingsConditioning"Donut Holes"With a partner, complete all reps, only one person works at a time: AMRAP 20…
And the winner of a free month of membership is....KATHY CULBERTSON!! Donuts: Join us tomorrow for our 5 Year Anniversary Workout Part Deux followed by a little continental breakfast action. We…
Many thanks for all the kind words yesterday. Enter to Win: An unlimited membership or a free month. 5 burpees = 1 name in the box. You can do up to 50 burpees to get 10 entries. We're paying you to do burpees. Why would you not?? You have until 7 pm tonight to enter. And don't worry TRIBE, a few burpees won't keep from passing the Mendoza Line.
To our coaches, members, friends and family that have supported Mario and I and our decision to create our own brand of functional fitness, THANK YOU. This is a huge milestone in the fitness world and for any small business. It is because of everyone reading this right now, that we continue to get the opportunity everyday to better ourselves, you and this community. We are excited to keep improving for the next five years.
Shout out to Trent and the first crew of members that came to our new Intro to Barbell class!! We saw a lot of good looking lifts that day!5 Year…
This is the top of my opener squat from #liftforlife. This is the moment I knew it was going to be an amazing day and my best meet to date. I hit personal bests in all my lifts. 462/303/490 for a 1255 PR total. These numbers secured me a spot on the podium.
WarmupRun to Sessions St 3 Sets5 Pull-ups 10 Goblet Squats5 Down dog Push-ups 10 Kettlebell SwingsConditioning"Steel Pots"AMRAP 24 Minutes 200 yd Run10 Pull-ups 15 Push-ups 20 Kettlebell Swings
Congratulations to Eric Woods, Grady's newest paramedic!! In Advance: A very happy birthday goes out to Vanessa Gale, our strength coach and mother to the cutest future powerlifter ever. Intro to the…