Happy Mother’s Day! You dont get strong by lifting heavy weights: you get strong by RECOVERING from lifting heavy weights, so make your off days sacred. -Mark Rippetoe Rest!
To be successful in kettlebell sport, one must become comfortable with discomfort. -Catherine Imes WKC Master of Sport Warmup Animal movement drills Skill Hardstyle KB swing practice KB deadlifts KB…
Your descent should be slow enough to permit you to maintain good form, but it should be fast enough to not waste energy or kill the stretch reflex at the…
Physical therapists, trainers, and athletes use foam rollers to relieve muscular pain and tightness ("adhesions", "knots", or "trigger points"). You will not find a simpler, more effective method for releasing…
“Now whoever has courage, and a strong and collected spirit in his breast, let him come forth, lace up his gloves, and put up his hands.” - Virgil Warmup Jumprope…