Thursday 7/7/16
Read-11 Fat-Loss Mistakes Women Make. These are a little too true especially numero uno. Pavel will never stop being one of our favorite people on the planet. WarmupDynamic Athletic Movement Hip Mobility Series…
Read-11 Fat-Loss Mistakes Women Make. These are a little too true especially numero uno. Pavel will never stop being one of our favorite people on the planet. WarmupDynamic Athletic Movement Hip Mobility Series…
Read-Food Is Not a Reward. Fitness Is Not a Punishment from Girls Gone Strong. "Back in my days of obsessive exercising and restrictive dieting, food and fitness were not things that…
To each his own. Executive Athlete: "When challenged, your body will default to what it’s used to doing. Make your combat stance your everyday stance!" Kelly StarrettIn the past week I’ve had…
Many thanks for all the kind words yesterday. Enter to Win: An unlimited membership or a free month. 5 burpees = 1 name in the box. You can do up to 50 burpees to get 10 entries. We're paying you to do burpees. Why would you not?? You have until 7 pm tonight to enter. And don't worry TRIBE, a few burpees won't keep from passing the Mendoza Line.
Congratulations to Eric Woods, Grady's newest paramedic!! In Advance: A very happy birthday goes out to Vanessa Gale, our strength coach and mother to the cutest future powerlifter ever. Intro to the…
Level 1/2 Test: Monday, May 2nd at 7pm. Please sign up for the level you are testing for.The Murph Challenge is the Official annual fundraiser of the LT. Michael P.…
IF YOU WANT TO GET BETTER, YOU MUST THINK BETTERYou are worrying too much. Especially about what I think of you as a person. I can tell because you keep…
I think I may have an obsession with commencement speeches. They get me fired up. Listen, enjoy, get inspired. Not afraid of commitment: When you ask women to make something happen, they…
“It is fatal to know too much at the outset. Boredom comes as quickly to the traveler who knows his route as the novelist who is over-certain of his plot.”…
Respect our equipment. Don't drop the tens. We're stronger than that. And when you see Trent, #hidethetens.Watch: Athletes Don't Wear Flip Flops. Summer is upon us and that means little slices of…