Monday 1/22/18
Much Love - To the epic level Saturday crew! It was a HUGE class and you helped keep it controlled and safe and it was a total blast!! #SaturdayisthenewMonday Thank…
Much Love - To the epic level Saturday crew! It was a HUGE class and you helped keep it controlled and safe and it was a total blast!! #SaturdayisthenewMonday Thank…
Warmup Run to Sessions Hip Mobility Downdog Push-ups 10 Turkish Getups (5 per side, alternating) Whole Life Challenge Fitness Baseline Test 11 Minutes AMRAP 400 yd Run 30 Air Squats…
WLC Players - "Before" weigh-in, measurements, photos and workout challenge are all going down tomorrow during the 9:30 am class. Please plan to arrive early to get the stats taken…
Cobb County and Marietta City Schools are closed due to icy road conditions again on Thursday. Marietta Police has issued an advisory to stay off the roads if possible. Therefore…
ALL CLASSES CANCELLED TODAY Our sincerest apologies but we don't want to compromise anyone's safety. From Marietta PD, "The roads in Marietta are very hazardous. We encourage those that can…
Whole Life Challenge - Want the inside scope on how athletes and coaches like Amelia eat to perform at high levels and look amazing in a bathing suit? Take a…
Whole Life Challenge - Starting this Saturday! Get signed up RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. All MVMNT Gym members taking on this Challenge should plan to attend Saturday's 9:30 class. We'll…
Warmup Speed Ladder Hip Mobility Series 10 Down dog Push-ups 5 x 1/1 Turkish Getups Conditioning "Eclipse" In teams of 3, one person per station, AMRAP 30 minutes, rotate every…
2018 Goals - It's go time. Starting tomorrow get your goals written down. Know your specific goal. Good examples: Pass level 2 in April, Get a ring muscle-up, lose 5…
Direct from Mario... So I've been hearing some grumblings about the programming cycle which means I should explain the rationale behind it in more detail. As I said last week,…