Dunk Truck returns September 19th! Sign up is here.
Dunk Truck is a unique experience that can empower you to take your wellness to the next level. Dunk Truck is privately owned and operated, located in the metro Atlanta area.
Hydro-static weighing or “dunking” is a method athletes use to determine body (fat % versus lean mass %.) This is THE GOLD STANDARD in determining body composition.
Sessions include:
- Land weight and height (all tests)
- Submerged weight (body composition test)
- Test results – fat% vs lean mass% (body composition test) – emailed to you after your appointment
- Estimated Metabolic Rate (body composition test)
- EXACT Resting Metabolic Rate to determine caloric intakes to lose fat or gain lean muscle
- Consultation – we’ll help you understand the test results and their impact on your training program and your goals. (Don’t worry, we’ll help you set reasonable goals too!)
- Nutrition guidance specific to you body’s composition and goals
Tactical Strength Challenge presented by StrongFirst. The competition is October 1st at our gym. You have about 7 weeks to prepare. The current strength and gymnastics cycle is the perfect prep. You need to hit the snatches on your own anywhere from once to twice a week. If you want help preparing, please ask! This challenge tests your strength and endurance while keeping competitors safe.
- A max powerlifting deadlift (three attempts like in a USAPL meet)
- Pull ups for max reps (palms forward, no kipping, neck must touch the bar) or a flexed arm hang (in the Novice Women’s category)
- Kettlebell snatches for max reps in a 5:00 time period (unlimited hand switches and different weights for different competitor categories).
Sign up here. $35 includes a TSC shirt or tank.
Run to Sessions 1x
Break up reps into manageable sets
Levels 3/4
50 Kipping Pull-ups
60 Pushups
100 second L-sit
– Chest – Should be up and out
– Shoulders – Should be pulled back and down
– Back – Should remain straight
– Knees – Should be locked out
– Toes – Should be pointed
75 Wall Balls
Level 2
30 Chin-ups
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
50 Pushups
100 Second L-sit
50 Wall Balls
Levels 0/1
50 Ring Rows
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
30 Box Pushups
180 Second pushup position plank
50 Wall Balls
“Nancy” (20 minute limit)
5 Rounds AFAP
400 yd Run
15 Overhead Squats
L3/4 – 95/65
L2 – 4 Rounds, 75/55 OHS*** OR 20 2Kb Front Squats
L0/1 – 3 Rounds, 20 Goblet Squats
Log your workout at Beyond the Whiteboard