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Wednesday 8/16/17

Save the date for the next Form & Function Powerlifting Clinic. This is a three hour workshop focused on technique in the back squat, bench and deadlift. Remember….training for 1st Annual MVMNT Liftoff starts NOW.

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Pushups

Levels 2-4
Clean Progression

Levels 0/1
10 Swings
1/1 Getup


“The Only Good Nazi is a Dead Nazi”

Levels 2-4
25 Minutes E5MOM (5 rounds)
10 Power Cleans
10 Pull-ups
200 yd Run

L4 – 155/115, chest to bar
L3 – 135/95
L2 – 95/65 OR 2KB cleans

Each round should be close to as fast as possible. You should have about 60-90 seconds rest each interval.
If you can’t keep up with the E5MOM interval at the weight you started with, sit out one round as a penalty for hubris.
Keep your ego in check if you want to make progress.

Levels 0/1
25 Minutes AMRAP
200 yd Run
15 Ring Rows
10 Double Kettlebell Cleans
Rest 60 seconds