Muscle Building 101 If you’re looking to gain mass, we’re here to help!
Resistance Training The MVMNT Gym includes strength training in almost every single workout. If you want more, John is coaching Pure Strength on Monday and Thursday nights. This class focuses on strength training and is available to all members with a functional fitness membership. Because there is a significant amount of barbell work in this class, we do require Basic Barbell as a prerequisite for Pure Strength. We have a Basic Barbell class this Saturday from 10:30 – 12:30 p.m. Half off discount code for members is CHINUP.
Protein Protein is the primary building block of muscle and it’s important to ensure that you eat enough each day to fuel the process. To maximize the benefit for building muscle, you’ll want to consume at least 0.8g/lb. If you’re trying to increase your protein intake, powders are a great resource for you; they’re easy to prepare, transport, store, and consume. We have some great options in the gym, but you can get protein powder almost anywhere.
If you diligently follow a structured routine and work hard, you will see progress.
0:00 – 15:00
Instructor Jump Rope 5 minutes
Instructor Mobility
15:00 – 30:00
Swing/Snatch Preparatory Drills:
Alternate with a partner, monitor each other’s form on these drills
PVC Hinge – 3 points of contact
Two Hand Swings (sets of 5)
Partner assisted Single arm shoulder packing
One Hand Swings (5 per arm) – keep shoulders level, free arm swings out and up alongside the kettlebell, torso should be square on backswing and at lockout, kettlebell should float at the top, body should be rooted into the floor and braced
High Pulls (5 per arm) – basically a bent arm swing where the “float” happens higher than the shoulders
30:00 – 40:00
Workout movement prep
Beast/Crab drills – TAKE YOUR TIME, DO IT RIGHT! understand each piece of the exercise, then put it all together
Lateral Step overs – shoulders, hips, and toes should all face forward; DO NOT TURN/ROTATE as you traverse the box
40:00 – 60:00
5x E4MOM
You have exactly THREE MINUTES to complete the circuit. If you don’t finish, that’s fine. There is a mandatory minimum 60 second rest between rounds (it’s ok to finish faster–but don’t rush the animal flow drills).
Levels 3/4
5 Crouching Beast Push-up to Underswitch Crab Reach R/L (each rep is a 4-movement flow)
10 Alternating Lateral Box Step Overs (holding the kettlebell in goblet position)
5 Box Squat Jumps (tuck knees up while sitting, then explode as high as possible)
Levels 1/2
5 Crouching Beast Push-up
10 Alternating Underswitch Crab Reach
10 Alternating Lateral Box Step Overs (holding the kettlebell in goblet position)
5 Box Squat Jumps (tuck knees up while sitting, then explode as high as possible)
Level 1 – can sub crouching beast to plank, bodyweight step overs