You are currently viewing Wednesday 7/6/15

Wednesday 7/6/15

Last Call: Level 3 Test is going down this Saturday at 10:30 am. Advanced sign up is mandatory. If you still need to pass the conditioning, here’s your chance. It’s better with other people pushing you. 

Level 1/2 Test: Monday, July 11th at 7 pm. 

Comp Season: If you’re interested in joining our competition team for some upcoming events, email We suggest you be Level 3 or higher if you want to enjoy yourself (even in scaled divisions).

Jump rope 3 minutes 
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups

5/5 Turkish Getups

Kettlebell Snatch technique practice:
Swing/single arm swing/high pull/snatch 


“I am still thirsty”

100 Double Unders
50 Pushups
100 Kettlebell Snatches
50 Pushups
100 Double Unders

Level 0/1-250 Single Unders, 100 Swings