You are currently viewing Wednesday 7/13/16

Wednesday 7/13/16

The levels just keep coming!! Congratulations to our newest Level 2s: Larry and Alex!! 

RSVP!!! There’s a pool party going down on Saturday at 1 pm and we want YOU there. Please RSVP to

What do Christmas Abbott, Elisabeth Akinwale, Lauren Fisher, Lindsey Valenzuela and BECCI HOLCOMB have in common?? They are all on the same list. That’s right, our very own Powerlifting Powerhouse, Becci, made a list of top female weightlifters and how they view their bodies.

One piece of advice you would give to a beginner:
“Don’t give up. The training might get hard, your body might protest, but don’t give up. You can do so much more than you know. You have to stick with it.”

If you don’t know Becci, now you know. Read her interview along with some famous CrossFit Games athlete’s here


Speed Ladder
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Push-ups



60 sec
Row for max avg Watts (dampers set between 4-6 for EVERYONE)


20 yd Heavy Sled Push (not so heavy that you’re moving slowly)

***PARTS A and B will overlap: you should do a couple of sled pushes between each row attempt


Ab Complex