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Wednesday 6/17/15


Four years ago today, CrossFit on the Square opened for the first training session on 50 Powder Springs. About two years ago, with the help of most of the people in the picture above, we relocated to 305 Cherokee TRIPLING our proving grounds.

Here are just a few highlights from the past year:

Amanda Carroll, Trent Brumfield, Laura Hicks, and Bethany Tharp joined the staff ranks.

We said goodbye to Eric “LB” Lauterbach and Kandice Gravedoni as instructors after 4 years coaching hundreds of classes.

We launched the new website. A massive work in progress. 

Leslie Leonard, Mario & Ivy painted a HUGE sign. Then Mario & Ivy painted over it because it was just too darn big (and the city made us). Juan Banda generously painted the entire building and our new sign (soon to be finished by Leslie, our resident artist!) Plus got a new roof and parking lot. 

We added a regular Kids class, Olympic weightlifting program, MVMNT 101, formal teacher training, Yoga….and we have a few surprises in store for you. 

Competitions!!! Tactical Strength Challenge, Heroes & Villains, Garage Games One. Mark Sauro, Wex, Shabo & Sara Ann are leading the CF competition team (if you want in on the group, email us). They have been all over the city, getting on the podium and show no signs of stopping. 

Dave & Vanessa got married! And a bunch of PLers & CFers headed to Nola for an unforgettable weekend.

TEAM PRETTYSTRONG. The list is almost too long. We’ve sent lifters to the biggest meets in the World including The Arnold, IPF Worlds and soon Becci heads to Canada. They are UNSTOPPABLE. 

We became a USA Powerlifting gym and have a ton of USAPL club coaches because…well, see above. 

CrossFit for Costello, Becci Holcolm’s Arnold & Team USA Fundraisers…..thousands and thousands of dollars raised for those near and dear to our hearts. 

We introduced Levels and it has changed everyone’s training for the better. We have an official level 5. Who’s next?

A look back revealed that we have more athletes training since the first few months we opened than we have fingers. 

We have watched you progress, set PRs, overcome obstacles, feel disappointed, hit setbacks, and come back stronger, faster, healthier and wiser. 

To You, our friends and family, THANK YOU for your dedication, sharing our passion, for getting out bed before the sun comes up, and training well after the sun goes down. Thank you.

Run to Sessions St.

3 Sets
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Down Dog Push-ups





Run 800 yd
50 Wall Balls
30 Pull-ups
50 Wall Balls
Run 800 yd


Run 400 yd
30 Wall Balls
30 Ring Rows
30 Wall Balls
Run 400 yd