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Wednesday 4/26/17

Giant high five goes out to Niki for teaching a Thank You Yoga class to our New You Challenge members last night! This is their last week. Look for several of them to join our regular classes over the next few weeks!!

Our meet director, Greg Pellerito, has officially named the 5 bar competition “MVMNT Liftoff.” On July 15th, all Level 2’s and up are encouraged to test the 3 powerlifts: Squat, Bench, Deadlift followed by the 2 Olympic lifts: Snatch & Clean and Jerk. This will be a legit in-house competition much like the Intramural Open. Registration will open soon. We will follow USAPL and USAW rules. You’ll have three attempts at each lift (after you warm up) on the platform with everyone watching. (No pressure). As we continue through these 12 weeks of training leading up to the meet, we’ll inform you of the exact rules (like pressing out the snatch….that’s a red light). But don’t forget, Google is your friend. Everything you need to know can be found on USAPL/USAW websites. Happy lifting.

Better Know a Powerlifter: Jennifer Thompson. Age: 44. Bodyweight: 132 lbs. Best Lifts Raw: Squat 325 lbs, Bench 314 lbs, Deadlift 446 lbs. Total 1086 lbs.

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Pushups


25 Minutes (maximum)

Levels 2-4

5 Bench Press
Ascending sets (work up to a heavy set of 5 quality reps)
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Levels 0/1

5 Kettlebell Floor Press
10 Alternating Swings
30/30 seconds Side Plank
60+ seconds Rest



Levels 2-4
Clean and Push Press
Box Jumps

L4 – 135/95, 24/20
L3 – 105/75, 24/20
L2 – 75/55 minimum OR 2kb Cln+PP, no rx height box

Levels 0/1
9 Double KB Clean and Push Press
9 Box Jumps (OR 20 yd Broad Jump)