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Wednesday 4/23/14

CrossFit Marietta Square Strict Hand Release Pushup

Friday: Comcast Cares Day. Show up to any class. A donation to Camp Horizon is made on your behalf. Too easy.

Saturday: CrossFit 101. You’ve been a member for two or months. It’s free. We’ll teach you how to get the most value out of CFSQ. (and it’s mandatory) Mandatory Value.

May 3:  Whole Life Challenge. It’s not a Whole30. There are levels. There’s nothing to be scared of. Watch an episode of HBO’s Vice. We’ll talk about being scared. We’re all in this together. Price increases on Saturday. Join our team.

What is the Whole Life Challenge? An 8-week online and in-your-life social game designed to have you practice a lifestyle that makes a difference in the long run while being held accountable by the community AND the people that matter to you most.

Here’s how the game is played:

The Whole Life Challenge is a game of change. It starts with a health and fitness “snapshot,” physical measurements of your fitness, giving you an idea of where you are when you start. The game takes place over the following 55 days, and then ends with another snapshot.

The challenge is designed to see what sort of change you can make over the course of the game. During the Challenge, you will check in with all aspects of your practice of health and fitness. It is a game where the moves are the choices you make every day — in nutrition, exercise, stretching, supplements, sleep, relaxation, and more. It is designed to bring all aspects of your health and fitness into focus and to create a life in which the practice of health and fitness is how you live, not just the things you do. The Challenge is also designed to have you creating a lifestyle that involves your friends, family, and community and transforms the health and fitness of the people who matter to you.

Every day of the Challenge you will log into the game site and report a score for all of your activities for the day before. As you go along over the 8 weeks, you will begin to see how your score and daily choices match up with the results you are getting. Simple as that. You will also compete with your friends and community to see who can get the highest score!

Dynamic Athletic Movement

2 Sets
Hip Mobility Series
10 Pull-ups

Squat Snatch

3 x 3L/3R
Split Jerk

Not for time
100 Sitouts (50 each direction)