The next Kids MVMNT session starts next Monday, April 5th! If you are signing up more than one child, please email us for your discount code.
April 19th is Bring a Friend Day at 9:30. You need not bring a friend to come to class, but you will get a partner for the workout. No prior CF experience is necessary for your friends and yes, you can bring more than one!
CrossFit 101
When: April 26th, 1-3PM
Where: CFSQ
Cost: Free
Who: Every CFSQ member is required to attend CrossFit 101. This workshop will occur on a monthly basis and will be for newer CFSQ members (think 2 months or less). However, we need to get everyone up to speed. Current members are required to take this workshop in order to take specialized classes, open gym, advanced classes, or participate in competitions. Not taking any of those? Doesn’t matter. You’re still required to attend. We understand that we will not have 100% participation in this first workshop, but you will need to get into one of the monthly workshops. We want as many 2+ month members this month as possible.
So, what is CrossFit 101? This workshop will cover general topics like rules & etiquette, programming (why don’t we do 40 minute barbell metcons every other day? wait, what’s a metcon?), balance & recovery, and training logs. We will also cover specific items like registering for class, CF acronyms, reading the whiteboard, etc. and finish with a Q&A. The goal is to refresh current members on the ins and outs of the gym and how to get the most out of your experience and get new members on board faster going forward. Our intention to make the gym better as a whole through CrossFit 101. See you there!
Sign up on the Workshop tab where you register for class.
Speed Ladder
3 Sets
2 Turkish Getups R/L
10 Down Dog Push-ups
5 Rounds
10 Punch Balls R/L
20 Box Jumps
50 Ab Wheel Rollouts