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Wednesday 3/20/13


First day of Spring! Happy Birthday Lili!

Jump Rope 5 Minutes

10 Dips
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 Alternating Overhead Lunges (hold a 25-45# plate)

Clean Pull (should be 10-20% heavier than clean weight)


AFAP (5 minute cap)
100 No Bullshit Hardstyle Kettlebell Swings**
Rx: M24k/W16k (some of you should go heavier)

**Hardstyle/Russian Kettlebell Challenge/StrongFirst swings include an “overspeed eccentric” hike of the bell which loads the posterior chain as the muscles lengthen. If after 50 reps you don’t feel like your glutes and hamstrings are cramping so badly you can barely stand up straight, you’re doing it wrong. Incidentally, unless otherwise specified, ALL swings in our program, whether in a warmup or a workout, are meant to be performed this way. It’s your workout. Half ass it if you want half ass results.