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Wednesday 2/10/16

Calling all Ladies!! We are looking for women interested in mountain biking on the weekends. Evelyn is a long time member usually training at 5 or 6 pm.  She’s a pretty avid athlete (but beginner to intermediate biker). So, you need not be expert level. You just need to want to get out on the trails with your fellow MVMNT women. No specific dates or times yet. Right now, we’re just gauging interest. If you have a bike and want to ride, text or email Evelyn:  484-437-8094, We promise not to interfere with the Open. 

Open Nutrition Challenge ie Eat like you want to Perform. 

With the Open just 15 days away (yeah, my heart rate just increased a little too), you might as well jump on board the gainzzz train with us. The first step is coming to the Nutrition Talk this Saturday at 10:30 am. (Self-D is cancelled for the talk.)

To get your head prepped, checkout the basics of the Whole30 and Eat To Perform.

Those of you brand new to the gym, to the idea of resetting your dietary habits and reducing inflammation, Whole30 is for you….ie. you’ve never done a Whole30 before. Of course, if you have done a Whole30 before and know it works well for you or it’s just time to get cleaned up, you’re more than welcome. For reference, I’ve done somewhere in the ballpark of 8 Whole30s. It’s simply a reboot for me. It usually follows an epic holiday season full of sweets or a summer full of too much fun. 

For those of you that have been to fair and seen the bear, you know what foods cause your gut to go crazy and have conquered your sugar monster, let’s ramp up your performance. (This is my current path in life.) During the challenge, at least to win the cash, you will follow the Whole30 framework but with some exceptions. No, not sugar. But carbs. And lots of em. You’ll be allowed rice, quinoa, oats, etc. You will be more in line with how top level CrossFit athletes eat. 

We’ll give you the fine print on Saturday. 

If you know you’re in, the Pot is on the front desk and you need to pay up. Drop $20 in and sign your name on the clipboard. 

Read-Healthy fast food? McDonald’s kale salad has more calories than a Double Big Mac But does that make the Big Mac a better food choice? Idk about that. Really, just don’t eat at McDonald’s unless the zombie apocalypse has broken out and it’s the only option. (But I think we all know the Mickey D’s would be be completely overrun. So, don’t bother.)

OPEN JUDGES: We need you. Don’t forget to take the judges course on 


Dynamic Athletic Movement 

Break up reps into manageable sets

Levels 3/4
25 Single Rep Max Effort Kips*
50 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow Rocks
50 Plyo Step-ups R/L

*The idea is to kip so hard your belly comes to the bar–the sternum should be well above it. You should drop down and release the bar after every rep.

Level 2
25 Chin-ups
40 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow Hold
120 Lunges (alternating)

Levels 0/1
50 Ring Rows
30 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow back practice
100 Lunges (alternating)



20-15-10 AFAP

Levels 3/4

Power Snatch
Toes To Bar
Ball Slam
5x Lateral Shuttle (5yd out and back)

L4 – 115/85
L3 – 95/65

Level 0-2

Kettlebell Clean and Press
2x V-ups (OR Toes to Bar)
Ball Slam
5x Lateral Shuttle (5yd out and back)

L2 – Double KB
L0/1 – Single KB, 20 reps R, 20 reps L etc.