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Wednesday 2/21/18

2018 MVMNT Intramural Open

Captain Shout Outs – For recruiting team members! This looks to be a great year of competition.

Notes From Mario & Ivy – The teams had to be made even. No need to be upset if you were moved to another team. Our Intramural Open is about fairness, a good time and great spirit. If you have not passed the Level 3 test, you are going scaled for team points (trust us, that benefits the team but not your ego). However, if there is a particular workout you’d like to do Rx, you can choose to do so, you just cannot win any top scores for that week. Same goes for Rx. All Level 4’s and Masters were automatically labeled Rx. If an Rx competitor chooses to do a workout scaled, that’s perfectly fine. But no top score may be awarded. **Changing divisions = No extra top score points. Up or down.** Participation points will always be given so long as the workout is attempted.

Team Spirit – Our Intramural Open is won by showing up. Each week, challenge your team to put on a great show. Whether your entire team shows up dressed as tigers or parades around and performs a dance routine, make it more than about getting your own workout done. As the weeks go by, keep rallying and getting creative and coming out on Thursday nights.

18.1 Live Announcement – Tomorrow night we will gather round the projector for the live announcement of 18.1 at 8 pm. As soon as the workout is announced, two of our very own will go head to head with only a few minutes to warm up. (TBA tomorrow morning!!) It’s super exciting and totally nerve-racking for them. The more MVMNT members there to cheer them on the better!!!

Friday – Open competitors have all day Friday to get scored. Come to any scheduled class to get your reps counted.

ICYMI Every single person on each team contributes to the overall team score.

+1 Point – Attendance: Every team member that completes the workout on the day we determine (likely Fridays) each week of the Open during any 6am, 9am, 12:15, 5pm or 6pm class earns one point for their team. Maximum one point per athlete per workout. This goes for Rx AND Scaled competitors of all ages!

+2 Points – Thursday Night Throwdown: First two athletes that volunteer to throwdown on Thursday night earn their team two points.

+3 Points – Top 3 scoring Male & Female Rx & Scaled (including Masters) team members each earn three points for their team each week.

+5 Points – Spirit of the Open: Each week we will pick one athlete who displays amazing SPIRIT during that week’s workouts. You’ll find this person cheering others on, volunteering to judge others, helping people get prepared, doing something amazing they never thought possible, gaining a new skill, etc etc.

In the event of a tie, a 6th bonus workout will be announced.

Run to Sessions
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups

15 Minutes for quality

Levels 3/4

3-5 Bar Muscle-ups
60 sec Pike Stretch
5-10 Unbroken Kipping Handstand Push-ups
60 sec Straddle Stretch

Levels 0-2

3-5 Strict Pull-ups – negatives or bands if necessary
60 sec Pike Stretch
5-10 Strict Push-ups – work on holding a tight plank the entire duration of the set
60 sec Straddle Stretch



Levels 3/4

With a running clock, every 4 minutes Run 400 and then perform the required number of Thrusters,
adding weight each round:

400 yd Run
21 Thrusters

400 yd Run
15 Thrusters

400 yd Run
9 Thrusters

400 yd Run
3 Thrusters

L4- M: 95/115/125/135, W: 65/85/95/105
L3: M: 75/95/105/115, W: 55/65/75/85

This 4 minute interval will be very hard to maintain. You’ll have to keep each run under 2:00 to have enough time to finish the thrusters and load the bar. Start running every 4 minutes, regardless of whether you’ve completed all the reps. If you haven’t finished all your reps by the 4 minute mark, just keep the bar at the same weight the next round. Post your score to the white board ONLY if you complete the workout as Rx and finish every rep at the required weight.

Level 2

16 Minutes E4MOM

400 yd Run
12 Thrusters

You may use a Barbell (at least 75/55 – but keep the weight the same all 4 rounds) with coach’s permission provided there are enough available after the 3/4 people get their equipment sorted. Otherwise use Double Kettlebells.

Levels 0/1

4 Rounds AFAP

400 yd Run
6/6 Single Arm Kb Thrusters