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Wednesday 1/9/13


If you have already lifted on Monday and Tuesday this week, today you will focus on recovery/core stability while everyone else is lifting. Foam roll, run through the plank series and work on perfecting your Turkish Getup. Likewise, if you’re smoked from the conditioning over the last two days, you may opt out of that portion of the workout and practice a skill or work on some other mobility drill as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rest of the class.

Everyone else, either deadlift or overhead press depending on what you have already done this week. Remember you should hit each of the four lifts once a week (skip power cleans if you are only coming 3x/week), or if you come 2x/week you need to pick two lifts this week (eg, press/squat) and do the other two next week.

Speed Ladder

3 Sets
10 Down Dog Pushups
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Ring Rows
10 Step-ups L/R

Deadlift or Press (makeup day)
Week 1 (5-5-5+) @ 65/75/85%1RM


15 Minute Recovery Circuit:
Plank Series
2 Getups R/L

5 Rounds AFAP
Alternate with a partner
5 x 10 YD Shuttle Run (10 yards out and 10 yards back = 1)
20 Plyo Box Lateral Ski Hops
Rest while partner goes

Whole30 Day 3: Side effects include feeling tired, cranky, & ravenous. You’re detoxing. Sleep, lift heavy, & drink water.