#mvmntwintersocial2015 goes down in a few short days. In order to allow everyone to fully enjoy themselves, the gym will be closed on Sunday.
MVMNT Winter Social: This Saturday at 7 pm. Stay for hours or stop by for minutes. Either way, come experience a few double takes when you see your gym buddy in regular their festive attire. (Dear 6 am, Cope could use your recommendations on appropriate holiday garb.) Don’t forget to bring a dish or treat for sharing!
MVMNT Tribe: Find out if you are above the line on Saturday. Please be ready to start making attempts by 1 pm.
This Saturday: Since the Tribe is maxing out, the gym will be open much longer. Feel free to come by for Open gym anytime from 10:30 am up until 2pm. 9:30 am class is a go too.
Our holiday schedule kicks into effect next week.
Read-How To Get Out of a Funk from Lift Big Eat Big.
Speed Ladder
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Push-ups
60 sec
Row for max avg Watts (dampers set between 4-6 for EVERYONE)
20 yd Heavy Sled Push (not so heavy that you’re moving slowly)
***PARTS A and B will overlap: you should do a couple of sled pushes between each row attempt
Ab Complex