Read – Women Want Real Weights at the Gym from the Wall Street Journal
Last Call – Don’t forget to drop your used coats at gym!
New You Challenge – Our next women’s only challenge starts January 2nd! $250 for 6 weeks of training, nutrition programming and senior instructor coaching. If you have a friend that’s interested or you want to gift to your BFF, contact us ASAP. Spots are filling up extra fast for the New Year.
Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
Kettlebell Warmup: 3x
5/5 Halos
5/5 Clean and Push Press
40 Yd Waiter Walk R/L
5 Downdog Push-ups
If you are seriously trying to hit a new PR in the Squat Clean or Front Squat on Thursday and Friday I strongly suggest NOT participating in the conditioning workout today. Instead, take 15-20 minutes to foam roll, stretch, or check out the Supple Leopard book at the front desk for ideas on how to fix any nagging issues you may have been neglecting.
All Levels
Three 5-minute rounds, 1 minute at each station (FGB Style)
Sandbag Clean
Battling Ropes
Row/Airdyne* for cals
Ball Slams
Rest 1 minute
*Each athlete must Airdyne at least one round.
Ab Complex: 6 Minute Abz
3 Rounds
30 seconds each exercise
Ball Ups
Flutter Kick
Then rest 60 sec