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Wednesday 12/5/18

The Art of the Flow Let’s think about the burpee for a second. You do a squat, a pushup, then a frogger, then a jump from a squat. And you’re doing these four movements together, in a flow! This type of exercise style works many muscles, works your metabolism and athleticism in just a few reps a week.

We do a lot of flows here that are far move complex than burpees. Our flows can help you pack on muscle while have you flowing and improving your overall mobility. While you’re transitioning to the next movement within a flow, you’re also working on understanding where your body is in space (egs. close your eyes, extend your arm out, now touch the tip of your nose).

When we flow, we’re borrowing from yoga, martial arts, and break dancing 🕺 And when you think about it, would you rather be doing 3×20 sets of curls or get everything involved and flow with your whole body while working more muscles??

Flow Tip: Only use as much weight as you would with your weakest exercise in a kettlebell flow. And, in general, you should use half the weight you would use if doing an exercise by itself. Flowing can lead to sloppy form, so own the exercises within a flow.

Bring a Friend Free Saturdays! If you want to help someone out on their fitness journey, bring them by on Saturdays for our 9:30 workout.

First Drink’s On Us Our Holiday Social is on Dec. 20 at Two Birds Taphouse. Party starts at 7pm. So drop by, say hi, and meet your fellow MVMNT gym folks in their going-out clothes 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️
Leggings optional.

0:00 – 5:00
3 minutes Jump rope or Quick Feet/Jumping Jack Drills
PVC Drills

5:00 – 12:00
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 17:00
Kettlebell Floor/Side Press Warmup
5/5 Quarter Getups
5/5 Half Kneeling Windmill Side Press
Side Press

17:00 – 40:00

Levels 2-4

5 Barbell Floor Press
5/5 Kettlebell Side Press
10/10 Side Plank Plate Reach

Level 1

5 Kettlebell Floor Press
5/5 Half Kneeling Windmill Side Press
10/10 Side Plank Plate Reach

Level 0
Follow individual instruction from your coach.

40:00 – 45:00
Movement Practice and Workout Setup

45:00 – 55:00

(10 minute cap)

Levels 2-4
20-15-10 Burpees
10-15-20 Alternating Kettlebell Dead Snatches

L4 – 24/18
L3 – 20/16
L2 – no rx

Level 1
10 Burpees
10 Alternating Single Arm Swings

Level 0
per coach’s instructions

57:00 – 60:00
Tabata Squats (3 minutes)
6 sets – 20 seconds max reps followed by 10 seconds of recovery