You are currently viewing Wednesday 11/6/13

Wednesday 11/6/13

photo (57)

Pretty STRONG Powerlifting Mock Meet
Friday, November 8th

Georgia Powerlifting Championships
Saturday, November 9th
Dave Bell lifts at 9:30am
Amanda & Darrell lift at 2:30pm

Please come show your support at one or both of these events!

Thanks to everyone that has signed up for the Gobble Jog so far! We only run LSD once a year so take advantage. Your friends and family are more than welcome to sign up under our team! Even if you are only planning to stand in our parking lot and wave a sign while cheering your head off, you should still consider signing up for the race or making a flat donation. Oh and beards are highly recommended for this event…


Speed Ladder

3x (10 minutes)
Hip mobility series
10 Down dog push-ups
5 Pull-ups

Double Kettlebell Ballistics:
High Pull

This is what we’re looking for with the double kettlebell snatch: crisp, controlled, powerful execution.

5 Rounds AFAP
10 Double Kettlebell Swings (2×20/2×14)
10 Burpees