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Wednesday 11/20/13

CrossFit Marietta Square Clean Jerk (2)

Z-Health will show you the EXACT path to:

1. Eliminating your pain (often instantaneously)
Even if you’ve been told you’ll have to “live with it” for the rest of your life…

2. Performing at your best as an athlete

We’ll show you the key pieces of the training puzzle that have been holding you back from becoming the athlete you’ve always dreamed of being…

3. Enhancing your health, energy and vitality
The quality of your life is determined by how much energy you have to spend. You will learn how to move and live with maximum energy – every single day…

4. Preventing injuries
Life is a “full-contact” sport and you MUST have an injury-resistant body to live your life to its fullest…

Performance & Mobility Applying Z-Health Workshop
Saturday, November 23
Register Here.

Jump Rope 3 Minutes

10 Minute Limit:
Break up reps as needed
5 Turkish Getups R/L
25 Pull-ups

Double Unders

5 Rounds AFAP
10 one hand Swing R (24k/16k)
10 one hand swing L
5 Kettlebell snatches R
5 Kettlebell snatches L
30 Double Unders