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Wednesday 1/16/19

“I will keep constant watch over myself and – most usefully – will put each day up for review. For this is what makes us evil – that none of us looks back upon our own lives. We reflect upon only that which we are about to do. And yet our plans for the future descend from the past.”
✳ Seneca, Moral Letters ✳ 

Using a journal to review your day – what you did, what you thought, what could be improved – is for personal clarity and not public benefit. Keeping a journal, whether it’s on a computer or in a little notebook, can help you set up a time for ritualized reflection. (via The Daily Stoic, by Ryan Holiday)

What can you write in a journal? You can write down your thoughts, fears, hopes. What made you happy and what detracted from your happiness. You can write goals you want to work on or quotes that you like. This reflection, little by little, will help you start meeting tough questions with better answers. Making an effort to reflect on your day can also help you maintain your “true North.”

Starting Saturday, the Whole Life Challenge begins. The WLC can help you stick to better habits pertaining to your physical health – like your diet, your hydration, your sleep. But we will also be tackling a Reflection habit. To succeed in this habit, all you have to do is write down “a note on how the day went, something you’re thankful for, an intention for tomorrow, a story, even a motivational quote.” If you’re looking for a big change in your body or your performance, you gotta do big things. So won’t you join our team in the Whole Life Challenge?! The Challenge runs from Jan 19 through Mar 1!

Yoga, Sunday Jan 20 @ 11:30am: We’ll be doing a yoga flow followed by 20 minutes of CORE. #6pack

Krav Maga Self Defense Workshop with Mario on Saturday, Feb 9 @ 1-3pm.
Members: $25
Non-members: $40
Be sure to mark your calendars and invite some friends you want to throw around.

TRIIB heads up: In February, we’ll be transitioning from Mindbody to Triib. The gym will have a kiosk where you can check into class and buy merchandise. With Triib, you’ll be able to track your workouts on the website. And when you sign up for class beforehand, you can also see who’ll be there!

0:00 – 12:00
Quick Feet/Jump Rope 3 minutes
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 25:00
Toes to Bar Practice
Controlled Swing on bar (hollow/arch)
Knee tuck
Kipping Knee tuck
Full toes to bar
Link reps

25:00 – 45:00

Levels 2-4

5 Sets (E4MOM)
5 Back Squat (same weight each set)
30 Crab Kicks

L3/4: 75%
L2: use the second heaviest set from last week OR just start conservative and add a little weight every set

Level 1
20 minutes

5 sets (E4MOM)
8 Double Kettlebell Squat
20 Crab Kicks
30 Second Downdog Hold

45:00 – 50:00
Workout Prep

50:00 – 60:00

10 minutes
60 seconds work/60 seconds rest

Levels 3/4
Burpee Pull-ups

L2 can do this if you’ve got unassisted pull-ups

Levels 1/2


L2 – goal should be 15 or more reps per minute
L1 – goal should be 12 reps per minute, you can use a box if necessary or do Squat Thrusts (burpee with no elbow flexion/push-up component)