You are currently viewing Tuesday 8/27/19

Tuesday 8/27/19

0:00 – 15:00
Instructor Jump Rope 5 minutes
Instructor Mobility

15:00 – 25:00
Steel Mace Warmup
Slow, controlled movement
Alternate with a Partner

2x through on each side, then switch with your partner
Ballistic Curl after each Step
Right leg Forward Lunge
Right leg Side Lunge
Right leg Crossback Lunge
Continue on Left leg

Mace Front Pendulum Practice (20 reps then switch)
-with knees soft and midsection braced, hold the mace upside down, keeping hands high up in front of the sternum
-as you swing the mace from side to side, increase the amplitude of the swing until the mace is parallel to the floor at the top of the movement
-same side elbow lifts up, opposite side stays tucked


25:00 – 35:00

Kettlebell Snatch review
Toes to Bar practice

35:00 – 60:00

“Under His Eye”

5x E5MOM

Levels 3+4

8/8 Pause Kettlebell Snatches (hold each rep for 2 seconds overhead)
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders

L4 – 24/18
L3 – 22/16, cut DUs in half if necessary

Level 2

6/6 Pause Kettlebell Snatches (hold each rep for 2 seconds overhead)
20 Knees to Elbows
25 Double Under Attempts (OR 175 Single Unders)

Level 1

5/5 Pause Kettlebell Snatches (hold each rep for 2 seconds overhead)
10 Hang Knee Tucks
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
150 Single Unders