You are currently viewing Tuesday 8/11/20

Tuesday 8/11/20


0:00 – 25:00

5 Minutes Jump Rope
Instructor Mobility

Barbell lifters:

Clean Progression/Warmup
– Please note, this is NOT the time to LEARN how to perform a clean. If you cannot already do cleans with the bar, do the kettlebell version. If you’d like to learn how to do cleans, personal training is available.

Kettlebell lifters:

10 Swings
1/1 Getup


25:00 – 30:00
Workout explanation and setup

30:00 – 55:00

“Cobalt Soul”

25 Minutes E5MOM (5 rounds)

This workout is a ladder: you will increase reps as indicated each time you go through the circuit until the time interval is up. After resting you reset to the initial rep scheme.

Barbell version:

3 minutes:
3/3/15; 6/6/30; 9/9/45, etc.

Clean and Push Press/Jerk
Toes to Bar
Double Unders

Rest 2 minutes and start back over at 3/3/15.

– If you’re substituting Single Unders do 30, 60, 90, etc.
– If you’re substituting Hang Knee Tucks do 6, 12, 18, etc.
– Suggested barbell loads: 135/95, 115/75, 95/65

Kettlebell version:

3 minutes:
30/3/6; 60/6/12; 90/9/18; etc.

Jump Rope
Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
Hang Knee Tucks (or V-ups)


55:00 – 60:00
