Part 3 of the Gymnastics Series is this weekend. Sign up below! August 3rd: 4:30-6:30 $15 for adults. $10 for kids.
What stretches or other mobility work would you prescribe to fix my overhead squat?
Greg Everett Says: Being 6’ 5” definitely makes the endeavor a bit trickier, but it certainly won’t preclude you from being able to hit a perfect overhead squat position if you’re diligent and committed enough. The best way to be flexible is to never get inflexible; unfortunately this is a course of action you can’t go back and undertake.
Step one is verifying that you’re trying to squat with a good position. That is, do you have an appropriate stance and grip on the bar? If not, you’re going to be fighting this problem for a long time.
I typically use a scorched-earth approach to flexibility initially. That is, every productive stretch under the sun as often as possible. When someone is genuinely inflexible, even the best stretches can be out of reach, which makes the process that much more difficult. Do some dynamic range of motion exercises (e.g. arm circles and leg swings) when you get up in the morning, then stretch throughout the day as time allows. Spending a few weeks just stretching generally is a good way to break into a more focused flexibility program. Throw in foam rolling whenever you can as well, ideally before you stretch.
After you’ve done this, start focusing on the overhead squat. First, overhead squat all day every day, even if it’s ugly and shallow. Fight to achieve the correct position and sit in as far as you can in that correct position, hold for a few seconds, then reach a bit further even if you feel the position slipping and hold there longer. Continue this process as you address the inflexibility with other means as well.
Also, back squats and good morning squats will help teach you to engage your back extensors forcefully and stretch your hip extensors and adductors. If you’re low-bar back squatting, that’s not helping. Back squat the same way you overhead squat.
Stretches that will help: static spiderman lunge, Russian baby maker, kossack, lying straight and bent knee hamstring stretch, and lying straight knee hamstring stretch while pulling the leg across the body to get more lateral hamstring. Hold these stretches for as long as you can stand it. Don’t stretch to the point of agony, but make it uncomfortable. You can do some PNF stretching as well. I like to hold the stretch for 30-45 sec, then do 6 sets of 6-second contract/relax, then hold another 30-45 seconds.
Ankle flexibility is usually a limiting factor in a full-depth Olympic squat for individuals of any height. Add several inches of leg length to the equation, and it will likely be even more of a limiter. Stretch the calves in a bent knee position by either squatting or lunging and leaning your forearms on the thigh just at the knee to apply pressure to close the ankle. Hold right down the middle primarily but you can also move the knee inward and outward slightly and hold.
Also make sure to mobilize your thoracic spine. Often tightness and hyperkyphosis here will make the overhead position impossible. Get a half foam roller or roll up a towel and lie on it with your spine perpendicular to it. Start it at the bottom of your T-spine and work your way up to the top, lying flat and trying to relax your back around the roll. Also just regular foam rolling up and down the T-spine will help mobilize it.
Shoulder flexibility itself I’ve found is often the least of people’s problems. They’re usually unable to sit into a full-depth upright squat, but then focus on the shoulders’ flexibility because they’re interested in holding a bar overhead. With the present amount of shoulder flexibility they have, if they can sit upright, they will be fine. If you can hold the bar overhead in the correct position when standing and with a forward lean of the torso of a few degrees, you have enough shoulder flexibility to overhead squat. If your shoulder range of motion seems to disappear as you squat, it’s coming more out of the squat than the shoulders.
To work on shoulder flexibility, hang from a pull-up bar with a grip just outside shoulder width, pushing your chest through your arms. Even better, set your toes on the floor a little behind the bar and lean forward as you hang. Stretch the pecs by placing a vertical forearm against a door jamb or rack, the elbow a little higher than the shoulder, and keep the chest upright as you step and lean forward to open the shoulder girdle. Dislocates with a pipe or dowel and presses behind the neck will help as well.
Run the long block 2x
3 sets/10 minutes max
10 Overhead Squats
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Divebomber Push-ups
20 Minutes AMRAP
5 Box Jumps
10 Push-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings