You are currently viewing Tuesday 5/26/20

Tuesday 5/26/20


0:00 – 15:00

3 minutes
Jump rope

12 minutes
Total body warmup

Strength BlockĀ 

15:00 – 20:00
movement practice and explanation

20:00 – 35:00

15 minutes

5-8 Lateral Lunge (hold weight in opposite arm, reach it down toward the instep as you hinge to load your hip)
10-16 Plyometric Lunges
16-24 Single Leg V-ups
60 seconds rest


35:00 – 40:00
movement practice and explanation

40:00 – 55:00

“Moss Icon”

15 minutes for reps

5 Burpees
10 Butterfly sit-ups
15 Swings

Rest as little as necessary, try to keep working the entire time.
Do not sacrifice form for reps!

55:00 – 60:00
