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Tuesday 4/5/16

Congratulations to our newest Level 1s: Marquita and Laura!! 

MVMNT 101: Cancelled on the 16th.

3 Minutes Jump Rope
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups

5 x 
1/1 Turkish Getups

Levels 2-4

5 – 5 – 5+ (AMRAP last set, switch to push press once you can’t get anymore strict) 
Press (60-70-80%)

Levels 0/1

5 x 5
Single Kettlebell Press R/L


“All That I Got”

25 Minutes E5MOM

Levels 2-4

5 Clean and Push Jerk
10 Toes to Bar 
20 Burpees
50 Double Unders

L4 – 155/115
L3 – 135/95, 30 DUs (if you can’t string them together yet, otherwise do 50)
L2 – 95/65, 15 DUs (if you are learning, otherwise do 30) 

Level 0/1

5 Kettlebell Clean and Press R/L
10 V-ups
15 Burpees
150 Single Unders