Friday Night Drinks is on for the summer! Every 3rd Friday of the month, join us at Two Birds Taphouse for socializing and drinks (or apps!). We’d love to see your smiling face THIS Friday Apr 19th at 8pm. #leggingsoptional
Looking ahead, we have another Level 1/2 Test on May 7th. If you’re a little shy on one of the skills, start working on it NOW (ie. have a specific skill in mind that you’re close to successfully completing, work on it a little bit every day or so, ask a coach how to improve if you are unsure on how to improve … the power is yours).
ICYMI, we have added classes to our schedule.
MVMNT Mobility is every Sunday at 11:30am. Yoga, Core, Stretching
MVMNT Kickboxing is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 am and 10:30 am on Saturdays. Bags will be kicked and punched in this workout.
5 AM Class has been added Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
0:00 – 15:00
Animal Mobility
15:00 – 25:00
Handstand Practice
25:00 – 30:00
Workout Specific Practice
30:00 – 55:00
“Paperclip Maximizer”
Levels 2-4
10 Pull-ups
AMRAP Wallballs (until you hit your target number)
Start with 10 Pull-ups as indicated below. Then begin chipping away at your Wallball total. Every time you take a break from Wallballs, perform another 10 Pull-ups before returning.
L3/4 – 150 Wallballs, Pull-ups: start each set with a 1/4 bodyweight kettlbell (women use 1 bell lighter than 1/4 bw) hanging on your foot, get as many strict reps as you can, then finish the set off with unweighted kipping pull-ups
L2 – 120 Wallballs, Pull-ups: start each set with as many strict reps as you can, then switch to band or box assisted if necessary
Level 1
25 Ball Slams
10 Ring Rows
55:00 – 60:00
coach’s choice stretch