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Tuesday 3/19/13


Rock/Creek is this weekend!

CrossFit Football has introduced the Power Athlete Team Series. It is coming to Atlanta on May 4th and we want to participate. From Assemble your army of 4 people, men and/or women, and prepare to do work.  Each individual will be required to do one of the CFFB Total lifts (Power clean, Squat, Bench, Deadlift) as well as a corresponding metcon testing the athlete’s power, speed, and agility.  Just as sport allows teams to “stack the deck” placing adept players in key positions, the Power Athlete Team Series emphasizes displaying the same soul crushing dominance in his/her wheelhouse. The competition will culminate in a head to head team prowler event for the top three teams.

We are calling out to CrossFitters and the Powerlifting Team to join together and start planning the rosters. There will be cash money and equipment prizes.

Please get signed up for your classes including the time you will have your Open workout scored.

Squat Stance & the Olympic Lifts by Greg Everett

If you’re struggling to figure out why your snatch and clean receiving positions are unreliable, uncomfortable or otherwise not working well for you, take a look at your back squat and front squat stance and movement. Surprisingly often, athletes use different squat stances for the back squat, front squat and overhead squat—this is usually in response to the different demands on position and flexibility and what they presently can and can’t get away with. Continue reading..

Run the long block

10 Dips
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 Alternating Overhead Lunges (hold a 25-45# plate)

Back Squat
(Sets across, add 10# to your last squat session weight)

3 Rounds AFAP
Run 400 Yd
30 Wall Ball Shots