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Tuesday 3/17/15

We have passed the halfway point in the Open. For some, you’re still going strong riding the high from the past few weeks. Don’t lose that. For many others, you’re feeling a burned out or disappointed in some of your scores. There’s zero reason to be disappointed. Just the fact that you signed up to participate in the Open takes courage. You’re showing up each week leaving nothing in the tank. Just remember: TAKE THE PRs. No matter how great or small: TAKE THE PR. (I came the closest I’ve ever come to a real, elbows in full extension, like a gymnast, good looking muscle up last night. I’m taking the PR.) We’ve been at this for three weeks and there’s still two weeks left. So while it may feel like its dragging, it will be over before you know it and you’re left with a new set of goals and a Facebook photo album.

The Open only comes around once a year.
Enjoy the process.
Thrive on the pressure.
Embrace the suck.

Level 1/2 Test Tonight!! 7 pm.

MVMNT BBQ: March 28th @ 12 pm. We want EVERYONE there: Open participants, judges, those of you less than a week out of Elements, babies, fur babies, YOU. 

WatchBeauty Beyond Strength, from CrossFit.

Speed Ladder

10 Down Dog Push-ups 
5 Turkish Getups R/L
20 Kettlebell Swings 

Levels 2-4

5 x 5
Back Squat

5 x 5

Ascending sets for both movements.
Get heavy but keep it well within your capacity. 

Levels 0/1

5 x 10
Kettlebell Squat (Goblet or 2KB front squat)

5 x 5
Kettlebell Press (single arm press 5 R/L)

Sets across for both movements.