You are currently viewing Tuesday 3/17/20

Tuesday 3/17/20


0:00 – 10:00
Animal Mobility (emphasis on lateral low-gait movements, including lateral beast kick throughs)

10:00 – 15:00
5 Minutes Toes to Bar practice:
30 seconds Hollow Hang
5 strict paused hang knee tucks
5 hanging lat activation laybacks
5 knees to elbows
5 toes to bar

15:00 – 20:00
5 minutes Steel Mace Zombie Squat practice:
Mace Switch Curl – hold mace parallel to the floor, rotate through prayer hands to other side (mace is close to body the entire time)
Zombie Squats – shoot arms out straight in front while holding mace parallel to floor, squat, stand back up, pull mace back in, switch curl and repeat on other side

20:00 – 50:00


4 movements, try not to be confused by the rep scheme: one round is 1,2,3,4; 2,4,6,8; 3,6,9,12

Levels 3/4

5 Rounds AFAP

_1/1 Kick Throughs (two total, one on each side)
2 Toes to Bar
3 Push-ups
4 Mace Switch Zombie Squats
_2/2 Kick Throughs (four total, two on each side)
4 Toes to bar
6 Push-ups
8 Mace Switch Zombie Squats
_3/3 Kick Throughs (six total, three on each side)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Push-ups
12 Mace Switch Zombie Squats

Level 2

5 Rounds AFAP

_1/1 Kick Throughs (two total, one on each side)
2 Knees to Elbows
3 Push-ups
4 Mace Switch Zombie Squats
_2/2 Kick Throughs (four total, two on each side)
4 Knees to Elbows
6 Push-ups
8 Mace Switch Zombie Squats
_3/3 Kick Throughs (six total, three on each side)
6 Knees to Elbows
9 Push-ups
12 Mace Switch Zombie Squats

Level 1

3-5 Rounds AFAP (the coach will tell you exactly how many rounds to do based on your ability)

_1/1 Kick Throughs (two total, one on each side)
2 Pause Hang Knee Tucks (hold for 2 seconds)
3 Push-ups
4 Mace Switch Zombie Squats
_2/2 Kick Throughs (four total, two on each side)
4 Pause Hang Knee Tucks (hold for 2 seconds)
6 Push-ups
8 Mace Switch Zombie Squats
_3/3 Kick Throughs (six total, three on each side)
6 Pause Hang Knee Tucks (hold for 2 seconds)
9 Push-ups
12 Mace Switch Zombie Squats

L1 – substitute box assisted push-ups if necessary, modified “sit” through, v-ups or sit-ups, air squats