Krav Maga Workshop, #3 of 4 is THIS Saturday from 1-2:30pm. You don’t need a previous Krav class under your belt to attend. Try one out. It’s just $20 with the code MVMNT15. You will be punching and kicking pads, doing partner work, and getting an all-around exhausting but fun workout. Here’s the link to register!
Savage Race is Saturday Mar 30. Let us know you want to run with team MVMNT by this weekend. You can shoot Guido an email (, contact him via phone (404 291-4567), or use our Google Form.
Cost is $112 per person and includes all fees (insurance, processing, and tax). By registering with our team, you’ll get a 25% discount.
What I’m Reading: The People Who Eat the Same Meal Every Day. Yikes! But tell me more ….
Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University … , says the consequences of eating the same lunch every day depend on the contents of that lunch and of the day’s other meals. “If your daily lunch contains a variety of healthful foods,” she says, “relax and enjoy it.”
This monotonous life is not for everyone, but you might find yourself eating healthier and/or saving money by simplifying one of your daily meals.
0:00 – 15:00
Animal Mobility
15:00 – 25:00
Handstand Practice
25:00 – 30:00
Workout Specific Practice
30:00 – 55:00
“Paperclip Maximizer”
Levels 2-4
10 Pull-ups
AMRAP Wallballs (until you hit your target number)
Start with 10 Pull-ups as indicated below. Then begin chipping away at your Wallball total. Every time you take a break from Wallballs, perform another 10 Pull-ups before returning.
L3/4 – 150 Wallballs, Pull-ups: start each set with a 1/4 bodyweight kettlbell (women use 1 bell lighter than 1/4 bw) hanging on your foot, get as many strict reps as you can, then finish the set off with unweighted kipping pull-ups
L2 – 120 Wallballs, Pull-ups: start each set with as many strict reps as you can, then switch to band or box assisted if necessary
Level 1
25 Ball Slams
10 Ring Rows
55:00 – 60:00
coach’s choice stretch