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Tuesday 2/2/16

Level 3 Test is this Saturday. 

The Open starts in 23 days. 

But the real headline today is Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow. Thankfully. Because working out in Vitamin D is so much better. 

Open Nutrition Challenge is here. The Challenge starts February 15th and will conclude on March 25th (the last Friday of the Open). This is an in house challenge that will focus on two categories: a dietary reset using the Whole30 framework and a performance based track. There will be a small buy-in of $20 with the proceeds going to the winners of the challenge. The rules will be simple and easy to follow which will be thoroughly explained during the Open Nutrition Talk. More details TBA. Join us!


Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series


Levels 2-4

5 x 5 @ 75%

Levels 0/1

5 x 5
Double Kettlebell Front Squat


Level 4

5 x AFAP
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
12 Pushups
20 second L-sit
15 Wall Balls

Break up reps into manageable sets

Level 3

50 Kipping Pull-ups
60 Pushups
100 second L-sit
75 Wall Balls

Level 2

30 Chin-ups
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
50 Pushups
100 Second L-sit
50 Wall Balls

Levels 0/1

50 Ring Rows
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
30 Box Pushups
180 Second pushup position plank
50 Wall Balls