You are currently viewing Tuesday 2/13/18

Tuesday 2/13/18

Olympic Weightlifting – Week 2 of the series continues tonight! 5 & 6 pm – 101 and 7 pm is for the advanced crew.

Taco Tuesday – The meal prep adventures continued as a I came into the final days to weigh in for the contest. I made this week’s prepped batch of meals two weeks in a row because it came out sooooo good the first time. Inspired by Shannon Bohannan’s taco meat and slaw recipe she shared with the WLC group, I decided to find something similar but new to me. I stumbled on a recipe for sheet pan chicken fajitas (sorry, Pankopps….more chicken). For carbs, I stuck to sweet potatoes because 1. they’re sweet and 2. nutrient packed, high volume and my bod processes them really well…no food baby at the end of my meal!

Trust me, I get super freaking tired of chicken and sweet potatoes. But these Mexican Roasted Sweet Potatoes killed!! Lime and sweet potatoes is the greatest thing since PB&J. WHO KNEW?? It completely changed the flavor and I actually found myself craving them still by the end of the week.THE PERFECT COMBO.

Straight from Nom Nom, here’s the recipe for the chicken. I followed it to the letter and regretted least the chicken piece. I didn’t have the fat macros to add the avocado crema which I’m sure is ridiculous.

For veggies in addition to the roasted veggies, I threw some greens down and tossed together a broccoli slaw. I skipped the mayo..again, because I didn’t have the fat macros. (Well, I did. But I’d much rather eat them in the form of nuts or nut butter). I hit up The Defined Dish for Whole30 slaw.

Cost per meal: $6.72
Macros per meal: 32p/2f/125c
Final weigh-in: 156.6
Total loss in four weeks: 11.7lbs

Jump Rope 3 Minutes
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups


Levels 2-4
18 Minutes

3 Bench Press
Work up to ~85% of your 1RM

Levels 0/1
18 Minutes

5 Double Kettlebell Floor Press
30 second Side Plank R/L

15 Minutes for quality

Levels 3/4

3-5 Bar Muscle-ups
60 sec Pike Stretch
5-10 Unbroken Kipping Handstand Push-ups
60 sec Straddle Stretch

Levels 0-2

3-5 Strict Pull-ups – negatives or bands if necessary
60 sec Pike Stretch
5-10 Strict Push-ups – work on holding a tight plank the entire duration of the set
60 sec Straddle Stretch



10 Minutes AMRAP

Levels 2-4

10 Burpees
15 Swings
50 Double Unders

L4 – 32/24
L3 – 28/22, 25 DUs if you cant string them together
L2 – no Rx weight, DUs if possible OR 100 Singles

Levels 0/1

5 Burpees
15 Swings
100 Single Unders