Congratulations to Kyle & Denise for passing their Level 2 test last night! Both are pretty new to the gym. Be on the lookout to meet these two as they are up and coming beasts!
Level 3 Test – February 6th at 10:30 am. Sign up and see where you stand.
Set aside 15 minutes to watch this video. If it doesn’t make you want to head to the gym, I don’t know what will. Get a little inspiration from someone battling brain cancer and still manages to prioritize his fitness at the top of his list.
Read-How Americans Got So Fat, In Charts from
You have 30 days to get signed up for the Open at THE Greg Pellerito is in. Are you?
Jump Rope 3 minutes
25 Minutes
All Levels
Barbell Snatch Progression
L3/4 – once through with empty bar, then ascending sets of :
3 Power Snatch (from floor)
3 Behind the Neck Jerk (Snatch Grip)
L2 – start with pvc or empty bar depending on ability, then:
Practice Above the Knee Hang Power Snatch
L0/1 – practice progression with pvc
“Swarm Intelligence”
Levels 3/4
10 Minutes AMRAP
3 Hang Power Cleans – Unbroken (L4-155/125, L3-135/95)
6 Toes to Bar
Level 2
E2MOM 10 Minutes
3 Power Cleans
10 V-ups
Levels 0/1
E2MOM 10 Minutes
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 V-ups