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Tuesday 12/13/16

One Warm Coat – The drive will continue for a few more days. If you would like a donation receipt, please email

Quote of the day – “Your notebook isn’t for you. It’s for me.” -Mario regarding organization and legibility.

A note about warming up – It’s just that: a warm-up. Whether it’s speed ladder, running to Sessions or DAM, there’s no winner. Please be courteous and cognizant of the other people around you. No need to trample people over because they’re a little slower than you. If you need to be challenged more, skip higher, take more precise steps, get your hips down, wait for the ladder to clear out, get your knees up and sprint. You can make the movements more intense and demanding without you or your ego running over other members.

Jump Rope 3 Minutes
Hip Mobility Series

Kettlebell Warmup: 3x
5/5 Halos
5/5 Clean and Push Press
40 Yd Waiter Walk R/L
5 Downdog Push-ups


Levels 2-4

Work up to a 1 Rep Max Back Squat
Don’t waste your time with junk reps.
This is my suggested approach to maxing out your squat:
(These percentages are based on your CURRENT max, not the one you want to hit today)
5 Reps at 50%
3 Reps at 60%
2 Reps at 70%
1 Rep at 85/95/105/…(no more than 5 singles to max out)

Levels 0/1

5 Kettlebell Squats (Goblet or Double KB)
Rest 30 seconds
30 second Push-up Position Plank
Rest 60 seconds

Spend 10-15 minutes working on pull-ups.
Sub-maximal sets for quality: always terminate the set at least 2 reps prior to muscle failure.

L3/4 – butterfly, kipping, weighted, false grip on rings, also experiment with variations like archer or typewriter pull-ups
L2 – strict, over- or under-hand grip
L0/1 – band assisted, negatives