Breaking through barriers. Sometimes the biggest block we face when trying something new is … fear. Fear comes in a myriad of disguises – procrastination, self-doubt, indecision, perfectionism, and the list goes on and on. Perhaps even more stifling is the isolation that tends to come along with fear. It’s a very private experience and at times it can feel like it’s unique to us. Am I the only one who procrastinates likes this? Why does it seem like everyone else has it together? Where do people get such confidence?
So whether you avoid the gym because you don’t want to be the last person to finish the workout or if you are procrastinating on that work project because you’ll never get it good enough, here are some ways you can break through fear barriers.
FEAR OF IMPERFECTION: “I think I spent a lot of my life wanting to jump over progression straight into perfection. I didn’t want to have to go through the part where you only get incrementally better and it was crushing my self-esteem and really messing with my self-confidence, too. I just got to a point where I was like, why be your own bully?” via Ashley C. Ford
FEAR OF FAILURE: Remember success is just a set of well-curated failures! We will fail and make mistakes, and that is what prepares us to pick ourselves back up again.
FEAR OF SUCCESS: With any creative project (or pursuit of a PR or new skill), we start out with excitement and enthusiasm, and somewhere in the middle when it becomes hard, we can convince ourselves the work is terrible. We can get caught in a sabotage loop and stop just short of success. When it feels like the bottom, remember you are in a place that is fertile with ideas and solutions. Allow yourself to turn it around.
FEAR OF OTHER PEOPLE: We can fear judgement from others, but opening yourself up to people is what brings opportunities and happiness in life. And, remember, other people are just as nervous as you are at times and are working through their own weaknesses.
FEAR OF BEING FOUND OUT: Commonly known as imposter syndrome! The Dunning-Kruger effect demonstrates that as we gain more experience, our confidence actually takes an initial dip as we begin to see how much we don’t know. This is a good thing – it means we are learning and developing. So if you experience imposter syndrome, it is actually a sign of progress and the road to true confidence.
FEAR OF STARTING: Build routine and trick yourself into beginning whatever it is that scares you. Start small, and iterate. In the words of Brandon Burchard, “Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity reveals itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN.”
Breaking through fear takes effort and initiative. There are many tricky ways that fear can take shape, and finding the fix for what hampers your success journey will take you to great places!
So, don’t be afraid, there’s a Level 1/2 Test tonight at 6:30pm. (Did I motivate you enough 😄)
0:00 – 8:00
Super Dynamic Warmup
8:00 – 20:00
Instructor Mobility
20:00 – 30:00
Review/Practice skills for today’s conditioning.
30:00 – 55:00
21-15-9-3 Cleans
3-9-15-21 Chin-ups
Run 400 Yd
L4 – 135/95
L3 – 115/75
L2 – 95/65
Level 1
20-15-10-5 Single Kettlebell Two Hand Dead Clean
15-15-15-15 Ring Rows
Run 400 Yd
L1 – can opt for only 3 rounds if necessary
Level 0
per coach’s instructions
57:00 – 60:00
Tabata Butterfly Sit-ups (3 minutes)
6 sets – 20 seconds max reps followed by 10 seconds of recovery