We are accepting donations for Must Ministries Bring by some warm clothes, socks, blankets, or cans of food to the gym. We will deliver all donations to Must Ministries to help those in need. Tis’ the season for giving back!
MVMNT Holiday Social When we come together, we aren’t just stronger. We’re able to share our kindness, our time, our wisdom, our community. We’ll be better, kinder, stronger human beings. We’d love to see you this Thursday night at 7pm at Two Birds Taphouse on the Marietta Square. We are cancelling Thursday night’s 6:30pm class and Friday’s 6am class to allow Coach John some time to recuperate.
Whole Life Challenge We are participating in the WLC this year. The challenge occurs between Jan 19 to Mar 1 (six weeks!). If you want a push for the New Year to get your rear in gear, this is for you!
Join our gym here!
Right now, it’s early registration, so returning players pay $29 and and new players pay $39. On January 4th, prices increase.
0:00 – 8:00
Super Dynamic Warmup
***37 Burpees***
Happy Birthday Coach John!
8:00 – 20:00
Instructor Mobility
20:00 – 30:00
Review/Practice skills for today’s conditioning.
30:00 – 55:00
21-15-9-3 Cleans
3-9-15-21 Chin-ups
Run 400 Yd
L4 – 135/95
L3 – 115/75
L2 – 95/65
Level 1
20-15-10-5 Single Kettlebell Two Hand Dead Clean
15-15-15-15 Ring Rows
Run 400 Yd
L1 – can opt for only 3 rounds if necessary
Level 0
per coach’s instructions
57:00 – 60:00
Tabata Butterfly Sit-ups (3 minutes)
6 sets – 20 seconds max reps followed by 10 seconds of recovery