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Tuesday 11/27/18

The hardest working organ during the holidays is … your liver! Our liver manages nearly every bite we eat and drink. This might be a fun month for you, but it can be a rough time for your liver. Let’s look at ways to reduce any long-term damage we do to our favorite organ during this time of jolly and cheer.

HAVING A DRINK – When you have a drink your liver transforms the alcohol into harmless water and carbon dioxide. It also holds onto any good stuff (like antioxidants in wine or the carbs in beer). The metabolism of alcohol also creates fatty acids along the way, which get stored as triglycerides – a kind of cholesterol – until your body can use them up. This is all fine and good until you….
CONTINUE DRINKING. The more you drink, the more your liver shuffles those triglycerides into a “burn later” pile. This causes inflammation and eventually kills off liver cells leaving scar tissue in their place (well, that escalated quickly). Just three get-togethers a week can initiate inflammation if each outing involves more than 5 servings of alcohol in two hours.
NOW ADD SOME FOOD TO THE MIX Seasonal foods (you know, the ones with saturated fat, refined carbs, or processed red meat) combined with holiday weight gain can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). That fat is wreaking the same havoc alcohol does – inflammation and eventual scarring – even without the alcohol.

Your liver naturally gets itself back in working order if you move out of its way. A month or so without a drop of alcohol can reduce the fat storage in the liver and help tame inflammation. You can undo some of the fat that causes NAFLD by cleaning up your diet and cutting portion size. Losing 5% of your weight can reduce the fat in your liver by up to 30%.

via Mens Health, DEC 2018

0:00 – 10:00
Speed Ladder

10:00 – 20:00
Instructor Mobility

20:00 – 30:00
Review/Practice skills for today’s conditioning.
–any L2 who doesn’t have DUs MUST practice both DUs and TUCK JUMPS during this time–

30:00 – 55:00

“Islets of Langerhans”

Levels 3/4
30 Double Unders (no rope? sub 20 reps tuck jumps)
15 Pull-ups
5 Handstand Push-ups
20 yd Sled Push
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

ONLY L3/4 may attempt HSPU and push the sleds.

Level 2
15 Double Unders (DUs easy? do 30 reps. No DUs? sub 120 singles. No rope? sub 15 tuck jumps.)
10 Pull-ups (band assisted if necessary)
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
30 second (~20 yd) Sandbag Zercher Carry
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Level 1
60 seconds Jump Rope (no rope? Seal Jacks/Quick Feet)
10 Ring Rows
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 Push-ups
30 second (~20 yd) Farmer Carry
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

55:00 – 60:00
Warm down mobility flow