Weightlifting 101 & 102 with Lyndzey Dare – A lifetime pursuit of perfection. You might not make the Olympic team after a month of training but you’ll be a whole lot better than you were. Cost for all four classes, either 101 or 102, is $100. Classes run on Tuesday nights from October 16 – Nov 6th so mark your calendars!
Weightlifting 101 – Meets Tuesday evenings at 6 pm. Recommended for Levels 0-2. If you’re learning the movement names and picking up the barbell for the first time recently, this is for you. This class is limited to 4 people (so you get plenty of 1-on 1 time!). Class is 60 minutes of personalized training and learning ALL about the snatch and clean & jerk.
Weightlifting 102 – Meets Tuesday evenings at 7 pm. Limited to 6 people. Recommended for Levels 3-4. Seasoned Level 2’s can get coach approval for 102.
Register on Mindbody: Go to “Online Store,” select Olympic Weightlifting, and you’ll find the option for 101 or 102. Boom, done.
Spooktober – Start thinking of your Halloween costume because we DO work out on Halloween. How spooky can you be?!
0:00 – 8:00
Super Dynamic Warmup
8:00 – 20:00
Instructor Mobility
20:00 – 30:00
Review/Practice skills for today’s conditioning.
30:00 – 60:00
“Ad Hominem”
Thanks to Mark and Kelly Sauro for creating this workout for my birthday last year; it was so good I decided to share it with all of you this time around.
This is a partner workout: alternate exercises between teammates, one person works while the other rests.
(The workout is over when the second teammate has completed their 5th set of Cleans)
Levels 2-4
10 Rounds AFAP
43 Tuck Jumps*
10 Toes to Bar
9 Burpees
7 Handstand Push-ups
5 Power Cleans
*if you have your own jump rope with you, sub Double Unders instead
L4 – 155/115
L3 – 135/95, abmat HSPU
L2 – 115/75, Box assisted HSPU
Level 0/1
43 Tuck Jumps
10 Hang Knee Tucks
9 Burpees
7 Push-ups
5 Kettlebell Two-hand Dead Clean to Goblet Squat
L0 – sub jumping jacks or seal jacks for Tuck jumps if necessary