For those of you trying to put on mass, check this out: How to Feed a Hard Gainer on the Cheap and on the Go
Speed Ladder
Break reps into manageable sets. Micro-sets of 2-3 reps with perfect technique are better than sets of 10 where the last several reps are forced and sloppy. The emphasis is on QUALITY, not speed.
Levels 3/4
25 Typewriter Pull-ups
50 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow Rocks
25/leg Pistols to a box
Level 2
25 Chin-ups
30 Ring Push-ups
120 Sec Hollow Hold
100 Jumping Lunges (alternating)
Levels 0/1
30 Ring Rows
30 Ring Push-ups
180 Sec Hollow back practice
100 Lunges (alternating)
Levels 2-4
Max Effort Triple
Back Squat
Levels 0/1
5 Sets
5 Double Kettlebell Front Squat (Level 0 – Goblet Squat if necessary)
5 Jump Squats