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Thursday 9/17/15

Self-Defense is FREE through the end of the year. Class meets Tuesday & Thursday at 7 pm and Saturdays at 10:30 am. No experience needed. All levels welcome. 

Whole Life Challenge: Through our own challenges and worldwide challenges like the WLC, we’ve found that more people are more successful when there is built in flexibility. My nutrition plan looks different than yours looks different than Mario’s looks different than the person next to you. The WLC lets you choose from 3 levels of challenge when it comes to your diet. That means if you are specifically trying to lose weight there is a level for you. If you’re trying to gain or maintain, there’s a level for those also.


Here’s what it boils down to. Here’s you elevator pitch to your friends and family when they think you’ve gone off the deep end.

“I eat real food – fresh, natural food like meat, vegetables and fruit.  I choose foods that are nutrient-dense, with lots of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, over foods that have more calories but less nutrition.  And food quality is important – I’m careful about where my meat, seafood and eggs come from, and buy organic local produce as often as possible.

This is not a “diet” – I eat as much as I need to maintain strength, energy, activity levels and a healthy body weight.  I aim for well-balanced nutrition, so I eat both animals and a significant amount of plants.  I’m not lacking carbohydrates – I just get them from vegetables and fruits instead of bread, cereal or pasta.  And my meals are probably higher in fat than you’d imagine, but fat is a healthy source of energy when it comes from high-quality foods like avocado, coconut and grass-fed beef.

Eating like this is ideal for maintaining a healthy metabolism and reducing inflammation within the body.  It’s good for body composition, energy levels, sleep quality, mental attitude and quality of life.  It helps eliminate sugar cravings and reestablishes a healthy relationship with food.  It also works to minimize your risk for a whole host of lifestyle diseases and conditions, like diabetes, heart attack, stroke and autoimmune.”

EAT – One of my favorite websites to troll when I did my first few Whole30s was Nom Nom Paleo. There is a huge Whole30 compliment menu from a great chef who does CrossFit. And that’s what you should start to see: athletes that want to share their nutrition journey. But be warned, CrossFit Games & Grid athletes don’t eat the way the average gym goer does..and shouldn’t. Their needs are very different than most. It is necessary to outline your personal health and fitness goals before you decide that you’re going to live a strict Whole30 for the rest of your days (this isn’t reality). Your nutritional plan should optimize YOUR goals and fit your lifestyle. The WLC helps you understand that your lifestyle fits INSIDE your health and fitness goals not the other way around. 


Dynamic Athletic Movement

10 Minutes
10 yd Downdog Walk
10 yd Frog Hop
10 yd Lateral Ape Walk
10 yd Reverse Downdog Walk
10 yd Reverse Frog Hop


15 Minutes Pull-up/Crow Practice

L4 – 3-5 unbroken sets of 2/3/5 – 2 strict chest to bar/ 3 strict/ 5 kipping

L3 – kipping technique practice – swing/drive/kip/return

L2 – strict pull-up practice – sub-maximal sets/chin-ups/negatives/partial reps/scap-retractions

L0/1 – same as L2, and ring rows

***between sets of Pull-ups, practice finding your balance in the Crow pose


“Crankin Bombs”

15 Minute Limit

Levels 3/4
4 Rounds AFAP
Run 400 Yd
15 Ball Slams
10 Box Jumps

Level 2
3 Rounds

Levels 0/1
3 Rounds
Sub Step Ups where necessary