Sleep, Nutrition, … Play? Play is not just important for kids, it’s important for adults too! When we play, our creative brain is engaged and our mind is open to think in new, innovative ways. We are meant to play throughout life whether it’s through social connection or physical activity. So when you’re at the gym, can you look at swinging ‘bells and jumping rope and getting out of breath as adult playtime?! 🎈
0:00 – 15:00
Run to Sessions 2x
Instructor Mobility
15:00 – 25:00
Steel Mace Warmup
Slow, controlled movement
Alternate with a Partner
2x through on each side, then switch with your partner
Ballistic Curl after each Step
Right leg Forward Lunge
Right leg Side Lunge
Right leg Crossback Lunge
Continue on Left leg
Mace Front Pendulum Practice (20 reps then switch)
-with knees soft and midsection braced, hold the mace upside down, keeping hands high up in front of the sternum
-as you swing the mace from side to side, increase the amplitude of the swing until the mace is parallel to the floor at the top of the movement
-same side elbow lifts up, opposite side stays tucked
25:00 – 35:00
Workout explanation
Lower Levels KB Dead Clean review
Upper Levels warm up barbell Cleans
Toes to Bar/Hanging Abs/V-ups
35:00 – 55:00
“Sons of Jacob”
You must have at least 60 seconds rest each round (ideally you get 2 minutes rest). Your coach will adjust your rep scheme if you cannot get the work done in under 4 minutes. People often lose time by trying to “recover” on the run–just run fast, like 85% of your max effort, and you will still have energy to complete the other movements but you won’t get caught by the clock.
Levels 3/4
200 yd Run
5 Hang Squat Cleans (or Hang Power Clean + Front Squat)
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
L4 – 155/125, goal should be UNBROKEN on the cleans AND T2B
L3 – 135/105, 25 DU if you can’t string them together
Level 2
200 yd Run
5 Hang Power Clean and Squats
15 Knees to Elbow
25 Double Unders OR 150 Single Unders
L2 – 115/75 (if you don’t have experience with this lift, substitute 10 HEAVY KB Dead Clean and Squats)
Level 1
125 Single Unders
15 Kettlebell Dead Clean and Squats
15 Hanging Knee Tucks OR V-Up Sit-ups
200 yd Run
55:00 – 60:00
Hold each stretch for 60 seconds per side
Hip Flexor/Couch Stretch