You are currently viewing Thursday 9/12/19

Thursday 9/12/19

0:00 – 15:00
Instructor led Jump Rope (5 min)
Instructor Mobility

15:00 – 30:00

Handstand Progression

With a partner, only one person working at a time, the other will watch the clock for you.

L4 – 2x 30 seconds face the wall handstand holds
L3 – same as L4 or 2x 30 seconds hold facing away from the wall
L2 – 5 minutes practice: kick up to the wall from down dog and hold for up to 30 seconds
L1 – 5 minutes practice: box assisted inverted pike holds

L4 – 5x 12 face the wall handstand shoulder taps (6 taps per hand)
L3 – same as L4 if you can FTW OR 5x 10 handstand shoulder taps facing out
L2 – 5x 10 box assisted inverted pike shoulder taps
L1 – 5x 20 SLOW plank shoulder taps

C. (time permitting)
L3/4 – freestanding handstand practice on the turf (kick up and try to hold)
L1/2 – hollow body practice (hold for 15-20 seconds at a time)


30:00 – 40:00
Movement specific warmups

40:00 – 60:00

“Rivers of Babylon”

20 minutes for sublimity

Levels 2-4

Perform the following complex as a ladder. Go through the complex with one rep for each movement, after you finish the first round of jump rope, rest one minute then pick the bell up and go through again, this time with two reps of each. After the second jump rope interval, perform another round with three reps. After the third jump rope interval, start back over with one rep. Continue for the duration of the workout.

Dead Clean* and Reverse Lunge (same side leg stays forward)
Dead Clean and Reverse Lunge to Press (press the bell up as you return to standing)
Dead Clean and Squat
Dead Clean and Thruster
Switch Hands and repeat on other side
Jump Rope
Rest 60 seconds

*if your setup isn’t good, your back will suffer, so lower levels may substitute a dead hang clean (below the knee, but not from the floor) in order to maintain a good neutral spine throughout the workout

L4 – 24/18, jump rope: 25/50/75 double unders
L3 – 22/16, jump rope: 10/20/30 double unders
L2 – 20/14, jump rope: 50/100/150 single unders (OR same as L3)
L1 – no rx weight, jump rope: 50/75/100 single unders