You are currently viewing Thursday 8/18/16

Thursday 8/18/16

Please welcome Katy to the MVMNT Crew!!

Bring a Friend – Grab a friend and bring them in for a free workout on Saturday at 9:30 am. Free is good. 

Read – 4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Participate in the Tactical Strength Challenge by Breaking Muscle

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series

3 – 3 – 3+ (AMRAP)

25 minutes

Level 4
4 Weighted Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
10 Toes to Bar
15 Step-ups per leg

All other levels NOT AFAP
Break up reps as needed
Level 3
20 Weighted Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
50 Toes to Bar
75 Step-ups R/L

Level 2
30 Pull-ups
50 Box Dips
50 Hanging Leg Lifts (lift to L position)
60 Step-ups R/L

Levels 0/1
50 Ring Rows
40 Box Dips
30 Hanging Knee Tucks
50 Step-ups R/L