Run the long block
3 sets/10 minutes max
10 Overhead Squats
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Divebomber Push-ups
10 Minutes
Wall Bridge*
*Standing a couple feet away from the wall, reach your arms overhead and arch back until your hands touch the wall. Then walk them down the wall until you are on your hands and feet in the gymnastic bridge position. From here, either lower your hips and tuck your head so that you come out of the bridge, or walk your hands back up the wall until you are standing upright again.
Yoga bridge (hip raise) and reverse plank and the floor bridge are good prep exercises/screens for the more advanced wall bridge.
A more challenging progression is to drop straight back into bridge, and then to stand back up, without using the wall at all.
AFAP (15 minute limit)
Run 400 Yd
15 Handstand Push-ups*
Run 400 Yd
10 Handstand Push-ups
Run 400 Yd
5 Handstand Push-ups
*if you can’t perform handstand push-ups, substitute 2x reps push press with double kettlebells
**if you’ve got a shoulder injury, do 2x reps kettlebell swings instead